Gregory Hicks
2007-01-16 15:44:59 UTC
I've looked and looked... Found lots of source code examples of this
message and even a few questions like this - but no answers.
I have a client that is trying to upload a <file>.tar.gz to a wu-ftpd
FTP server. The local ftp client (dunno what it is just yet) is
think from the server) but the funny thing is that if we try this exact
sequence a second time in the same session, the transfer succeeds.
The really puzzeling thing is that in my years of administering this
particular server, I have never seen this error before.
Any thoughts on what might be causing this? And how to fix?
Assist will be appreciated.
GRegory Hicks
Gregory Hicks | Principal Systems Engineer
Cadence Design Systems | Direct: 408.576.3609
555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 9B1
San Jose, CA 95134
I am perfectly capable of learning from my mistakes. I will surely
learn a great deal today.
"A democracy is a sheep and two wolves deciding on what to have for
lunch. Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting the results of the
decision." - Benjamin Franklin
"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton
I've looked and looked... Found lots of source code examples of this
message and even a few questions like this - but no answers.
I have a client that is trying to upload a <file>.tar.gz to a wu-ftpd
FTP server. The local ftp client (dunno what it is just yet) is
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> cd from_cust
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> put to_ae_0112.tar.gz
local: to_ae_0112.tar.gz remote: to_ae_0112.tar.gz
to_ae_0112.tar.gz: not a plain file.
I'm not sure if this particular error is from the client or server. (Iftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> cd from_cust
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> put to_ae_0112.tar.gz
local: to_ae_0112.tar.gz remote: to_ae_0112.tar.gz
to_ae_0112.tar.gz: not a plain file.
think from the server) but the funny thing is that if we try this exact
sequence a second time in the same session, the transfer succeeds.
The really puzzeling thing is that in my years of administering this
particular server, I have never seen this error before.
Any thoughts on what might be causing this? And how to fix?
Assist will be appreciated.
GRegory Hicks
Gregory Hicks | Principal Systems Engineer
Cadence Design Systems | Direct: 408.576.3609
555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 9B1
San Jose, CA 95134
I am perfectly capable of learning from my mistakes. I will surely
learn a great deal today.
"A democracy is a sheep and two wolves deciding on what to have for
lunch. Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting the results of the
decision." - Benjamin Franklin
"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton